Gelber Stoff- oder Lederstuhl  | Modell EXPRESS
Yellow fabric or leather chair | Model EXPRESS
Selling price
106.700 Ft
Normal price
143.700 Ft
Stuhl aus Stoff oder Leder mit Holzbeinen  |  Modell ARES
Chair in fabric or leather with wooden legs | Model ARES
102.600 Ft
Wohnzimmerstuhl mit Holzbeinen und Stoff-/Lederbezug | Modell ZOE
Living room chair with wooden legs and fabric/leather cover | Model ZOE
119.100 Ft
Küchenstuhl mit Holzbeinen und Stoff-/Lederbezug | Modell PINO X
Kitchen chair with wooden legs and fabric/leather cover | Model PINO X
106.700 Ft
Stuhl aus Stoff oder Leder mit Holzbeinen und Rautenmuster | Modell AMANDA
Chair in fabric or leather with wooden legs and diamond pattern | Model AMANDA
114.900 Ft
Stuhl mit Stoff- oder Lederbezug und Holzbeinen | Modell APRIL
Chair with fabric or leather cover and wooden legs | Model APRIL
Selling price
110.800 Ft
Normal price
143.700 Ft
Hellgrüner Stuhl ohne Armlehne aus Stoff/Leder und Holzbeinen | Modell DINING G
Light green chair without armrests in fabric/leather and wooden legs | Model DINING G
Selling price
106.700 Ft
Normal price
123.200 Ft
Dining chair with wooden legs and fabric/leather cover | Model PINO B
Dining chair with wooden legs and fabric/leather cover | Model PINO B
114.900 Ft
Stoff- oder Lederstuhl mit Holzbeinen | Modell HUGO
Fabric or leather chair with wooden legs | Model HUGO
Selling price
110.800 Ft
Normal price
143.700 Ft
Esszimmerstuhl aus grauem Stoff oder Leder mit Holzbeinen | Modell CROCO
Dining chair in grey fabric or leather with wooden legs | Model CROCO
106.700 Ft
Esszimmerstuhl mit Holzbeinen und Stoff- oder Lederbezug  |  Modell CASIUS
Dining chair with wooden legs and fabric or leather cover | Model CASIUS
Selling price
114.900 Ft
Normal price
131.400 Ft
Dunkelgrüner Küchenstuhl mit Stoff- oder Lederbezug und Holzbeinen | Modell PERDIX
Kitchen chair with fabric or leather cover and wooden legs | Model PERDIX
Selling price
114.900 Ft
Normal price
131.400 Ft
Gelber Stuhl aus Material oder Leder  | SUN-Modell
Yellow chair in material or leather | Model SUN
Selling price
114.900 Ft
Normal price
131.400 Ft
Küchenstuhl mit Stahlbeinen und Stoff-/Lederbezug | Modell PETRA
Kitchen chair with steel legs and fabric/leather cover | Model PETRA
Selling price
135.500 Ft
Normal price
160.100 Ft
Grüner Wohnzimmerstuhl mit Holzbeinen aus Stoff oder Leder | Modell VERONA
Green living room chair with wooden legs in fabric or leather | Model VERONA
Selling price
114.900 Ft
Normal price
143.700 Ft
Massivholzstuhl ✔ Modell VIGO
Modern chair made of leather and beech wood frame | Model VIGO
Selling price
143.700 Ft
Normal price
184.700 Ft
Dunkelgrauer Ess- und Wohnzimmerstuhl  | Modell ALBA
Dunkelgrauer Ess- und Wohnzimmerstuhl | Modell ALBA
Selling price
135.500 Ft
Normal price
184.700 Ft
Bequemer Küchenstuhl | Modell EDDIE
Bequemer Küchenstuhl | Modell EDDIE
213.400 Ft
Grauer Wohnzimmerstuhl mit Stahlbeinen  | Modell ZANCA
Grauer Wohnzimmerstuhl mit Stahlbeinen | Modell ZANCA
Selling price
160.100 Ft
Normal price
184.700 Ft
Ziegelfarbener Wohnzimmerstuhl | Modell ZANCA
Ziegelfarbener Wohnzimmerstuhl | Modell ZANCA
Selling price
176.500 Ft
Normal price
197.000 Ft
Spezial Wohnzimmerstuhl | Modell GIAN
Spezial Wohnzimmerstuhl | Modell GIAN
197.000 Ft
Dining chair with shell backrest and wooden legs | Model ARIA
Dining chair with shell backrest and wooden legs | Model ARIA
119.100 Ft
Dining chair in fabric or leather with wooden legs | Model BRUNO
Dining chair in fabric or leather with wooden legs | Model BRUNO
Selling price
106.700 Ft
Normal price
143.700 Ft
Dining room chair with wooden legs – available in fabric or leather | Model ALEX
Dining room chair with wooden legs – available in fabric or leather | Model ALEX
Selling price
106.700 Ft
Normal price
131.400 Ft
Stuhl aus Stoff oder Leder und mit Holzbeinen | Modell CADU
Chair in fabric or leather and with wooden legs | Model CADU
78.000 Ft
Green chair in fabric or leather with wooden legs | Model CAPRICE
Green chair in fabric or leather with wooden legs | Model CAPRICE
110.800 Ft
Designer chair made of fabric or leather with wooden legs | Model CLEO
Designer chair made of fabric or leather with wooden legs | Model CLEO
110.800 Ft
Slim chair without armrests in fabric or leather | Model DEZ
Slim chair without armrests in fabric or leather | Model DEZ
110.800 Ft
Dining chair in fabric or leather and wooden legs | Model DIXY
Dining chair in fabric or leather and wooden legs | Model DIXY
119.100 Ft
Dining chair made of fabric with beechwood legs | Model EWA
Dining chair made of fabric with beechwood legs | Model EWA
82.100 Ft
Esszimmerstuhl aus hochwertigem Stoff und Holzbeinen |  Modell GABE
Dining chair made of high-quality fabric and wooden legs | Model GABE
Selling price
106.700 Ft
Normal price
131.400 Ft
Stoff- oder Lederstuhl mit Holzbeinen  |  Modell TAO
Fabric or leather chair with wooden legs | Model TAO
119.100 Ft
Stuhl aus Stoff oder Leder mit robusten Holzbeinen  |  Modell SCOT
Chair made of fabric or leather with sturdy wooden legs | Model SCOT
110.800 Ft
Wohnzimmer Stuhl mit Samt- oder Lederbezug  |  Modell ROCCO G
Living room chair with velvet or leather cover | Model ROCCO G
114.900 Ft
Fabric or leather chair with wooden legs | Model ZEUS
Fabric or leather chair with wooden legs | Model ZEUS
Selling price
106.700 Ft
Normal price
131.400 Ft
Mustard yellow fabric or leather chair with steel legs | Model LAVA
Mustard yellow fabric or leather chair with steel legs | Model LAVA
Selling price
110.800 Ft
Normal price
143.700 Ft
Weißer Küchenstuhl aus Stoff oder Leder | Modell SAM
White kitchen chair made of fabric or leather | Model SAM
Selling price
106.700 Ft
Normal price
131.400 Ft
Stoff- oder Leder Kücheninsel Stuhl mit Holzbeinen  |  Modell SCOT
Fabric or leather kitchen island chair with wooden legs | Model SCOT
Selling price
131.400 Ft
Normal price
184.700 Ft
Esszimmerstuhl: Stoff- oder Lederpolsterung mit Holzbeinen |  Modell LEO HOME24
Dining room chair: fabric or leather upholstery with wooden legs | Model LEO HOME24
Selling price
114.900 Ft
Normal price
143.700 Ft
Dining chair made of velvet or leather | Model LENNY
Dining chair made of velvet or leather | Model LENNY
Selling price
135.500 Ft
Normal price
184.700 Ft


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With us you have the greatest possible freedom to choose from a variety of materials and we will be happy to advise you
Farbtrends bei Möbeln 2025: Diese Töne sind angesagt
Farbtrends bei Möbeln 2025: Diese Töne sind angesagt

No matter which material you choose, we can provide you with expert advice and help you find the type of material that best suits the characteristics of your project from the many options available.

Chairs are not only functional seating furniture, but also an expression of style and design. The selection of materials for making chairs plays a crucial role in the design and aesthetics of these pieces of furniture. Here are some of the fascinating materials used to make dining chairs and their unique properties:

  1. Buffalo Leather: Buffalo leather is a strong and durable material known for its natural beauty and characteristics. It gives the chairs a rustic yet elegant look. The natural grain of the leather and its pleasant feel make buffalo leather chairs timeless classics.

  2. Velvet fabric: Velvet fabric is luxurious and soft, giving the chairs a sublime and elegant appearance. The deep texture and bright colors of velvet make these chairs eye-catching accents in any room. They exude opulence and comfort and offer pleasant seating.

  3. Alpine fabric: Alpine fabric is a sturdy material with a coarse texture that creates a natural and rustic atmosphere. Alpine fabric chairs are perfect for rural or alpine interior styles and convey a feeling of coziness and warmth.

  4. Silent (similar to velvet) fabric: Silent fabric is similar to velvet in its softness and texture, but is typically slightly less shiny and has a more subtle appearance. Silent fabric chairs offer a touch of elegance and comfort without being too intrusive.

  5. Boucle Fabric: Boucle fabric is known for its distinctive loop structure, which gives it a unique texture. Boucle fabric chairs are trendy and contemporary and can bring a modern touch to any interior.

  6. Stelvio Leather: Stelvio leather is supple and soft and gives the chairs a sophisticated elegance. The smooth surface and subtle grain make chairs made of Stelvio leather timeless beauties that fit well into classic and modern interior styles.

  7. Botswana leather: Botswana leather is robust and has a natural look. The characteristic markings and color variations of the leather give the chairs a rustic and authentic touch. Botswana leather chairs are perfect for rooms that want to have an organic and natural atmosphere.

The variety of materials used to make chairs makes it possible to create a wide range of styles and designs. Whether classic, modern, rustic or contemporary - chairs made from buffalo leather, velvet fabric, Alpine fabric, Silent fabric, Boucle fabric, Stelvio leather or Botswana leather offer a wealth of options to meet individual tastes and preferences and add a personal touch to any room to rent.