Esszimmertisch aus massiver Eiche mit modernem Stahlgestell | Modell PAMO
Dining table made of solid oak with modern steel frame | Model PAMO
937.800 Ft1.122.900 Ft
Eleganter Esszimmer Tisch aus Massiv Eiche mit Stahlfüßen |  Modell MIKADO SLIM A
Dining room table made of solid oak with steel feet | Model MIKADO SLIM A
670.500 Ft925.500 Ft
Esszimmertisch mit Eichenholzplatte und Beinen aus Stahl | MIKADO SLIM
Dining table with oak top and steel legs | Model MIKADO SLIM
699.300 Ft937.800 Ft
Esszimmer Tisch aus Massiv Eiche mit Design Gestell |  LAUSANNE HOME24
Dining room table made of solid oak with designer frame | Model LAUSANNE HOME24
719.800 Ft974.800 Ft
Moderner Esszimmertisch aus massivem Eichenholz | Modell QUADRO
Dining room table made of solid oak | Model KIKA QUADRO
719.800 Ft974.800 Ft
Esszimmertisch aus Eichenholz mit Stahlfüßen | Modell ZÜRICH
Dining room table made of oak with steel feet | Model ZÜRICH
612.900 Ft888.500 Ft
Eichentisch mit MIKA-Metallbeinen
Semi-oval dining table made of solid oak with steel feet | Model MIKA
818.500 Ft925.500 Ft
Küchentisch aus Eichenholz mit Stahlbeinen |  Modell COLUMBIA B
Oak kitchen table with steel legs | Model COLUMBIA B
830.900 Ft913.100 Ft
Ovaler Esstisch aus massiver Eiche mit filigranen Stahlfüßen |  Modell MIKADO SLIM B
Oval dining table made of solid oak with filigree steel feet | Model MIKADO SLIM B
830.900 Ft979.000 Ft
Esszimmertisch mit ovaler Eichenholzplatte und schlanken Stahlbeinen |  MÖBELIX GENEVA
Dining room table with oval oak top and slim steel legs | Model MÖBELIX GENEVA
880.200 Ft962.500 Ft
Handgefertigter Eichentisch • TAG-Modell
Dining table made of solid oak with oak feet | Model TAG
909.000 Ft1.427.300 Ft
Handgefertigter Tisch mit Spinnenbeinen • GROßES Modell
Handmade table with Mikado legs | Model BIG
1.312.100 Ft1.427.300 Ft
Moderner Esszimmertisch aus massivem Eichenholz | Modell QUADRO A
Dining room table made of solid oak | Model QUADRO A
691.000 Ft925.500 Ft
Handgefertigter Esstisch aus massivem Eichenholz | Modell BONE
Handcrafted dining table made of solid oak | Model BONE
1.312.100 Ft1.427.300 Ft
Runder Esstisch aus massivem Eichenholz | Modell RODU
Round dining table made of solid oak | Model RODU
1.324.400 Ft1.394.400 Ft
Esszimmertisch aus massiver Eiche mit halbovaler Tischplatte | Modell SEAT
Dining room table made of solid oak with oval table top | Model SEAT
1.468.400 Ft1.756.300 Ft
Esszimmertisch aus massiver Eiche mit Metallbeine | BAKU-Modell
Dining table made of solid oak with metal legs | Model BAKU
1.661.700 Ft1.846.800 Ft
Ovaler Esstisch aus massivem Eichenholz | Modell MALAGA
Oval dining table made of solid oak | Model MALAGA
1.682.300 Ft1.801.600 Ft
Esszimmertisch aus massiver Eiche mit halbrunden Eichenholzfüßen | Modell INE
Dining room table made of solid oak with semi-circular oak feet | Model INE
1.715.200 Ft2.003.100 Ft
Esszimmer Tisch aus Massivem Eichenholz | Modell Teddy | Schnäppchenpreis | Selbstabholung
Dining room table made of solid oak | Model Teddy | Bargain price | Pick up yourself
Selling price
329.100 Ft
Normal price
473.000 Ft
Esszimmertisch mit Glasplatte und Eichenholzfüßen | Modell RIO
Dining room table with glass top and oak feet | Model RIO
Selling price
440.100 Ft
Normal price
822.700 Ft
Runder Esszimmer Tisch mit Glasplatte und Massiven Holzfüßen |  Modell RIO R
Round dining room table with glass top and solid wooden feet | Model RIO R
Selling price
485.400 Ft
Normal price
822.700 Ft
Küchentisch Tisch aus Eichenholz und Rohstahl | Modell TEDDY IDEALO
Kitchen table made of oak and raw steel | Model TEDDY IDEALO
575.900 Ft839.100 Ft
Esszimmer Tisch aus Eichenholzplatte und Stahlfüße | Modell XAVIER
Dining room table made of oak top and steel feet | Model XAVIER
625.200 Ft1.007.700 Ft
Esszimmertisch mit Eichenholzplatte und Glasfüßen | Modell EICHE GLASS
Dining room table with oak top and glass feet | Model OAK GLASS
625.200 Ft830.900 Ft
Küchentisch aus Eichenholzplatte und Stahlbeine |  Modell BYRON
Kitchen table made of oak top and steel legs | Model BYRON
633.500 Ft1.020.100 Ft
Wohnzimmer Tisch mit Eichenholzplatte |  Modell TRIPOD
Living room table with oak top | Model TRIPOD
633.500 Ft1.020.100 Ft
Küchentisch mit Eichenholzplatte und Stahlbeinen im Industriestil | Modell  PYRAMIDE
Kitchen table with oak top and steel legs in industrial style | Model PYRAMIDE
645.800 Ft1.011.900 Ft
Moderner Wohnzimmer Tisch mit Eichenholzplatte und Stahlbeinen in Gold | Modell HUDSON XXXLutz
Modern living room table with oak top and steel legs in gold | Model HUDSON XXXLutz
662.200 Ft1.044.800 Ft
Küchentisch mit Eichenholzplatte und Stahlbeinen im Industriestil | Modell SPIDER
Kitchen table with oak top and steel legs in industrial style | Model SPIDER
674.600 Ft1.053.000 Ft
 Küchentisch aus Massivem Eichenholz mit Stahlbeinen |  Modell LOGDE
Kitchen table made of solid oak with steel legs | Model LOGDE
686.900 Ft1.065.300 Ft
Küchentisch aus Massivem Eichenholz mit Holzbeinen und Fußablage |  Modell XENIA
Kitchen table made of solid oak with wooden legs and footrest | Model XENIA
686.900 Ft1.069.400 Ft
Moderner Esszimmer Tisch aus Massiv Eiche mit Stabilen Stahlfüßen | Modell TOSCA
Dining room table made of solid oak with sturdy steel feet | Model TOSCA
691.000 Ft748.600 Ft
RUnder Esszimmertisch aus massivem Eichenholz mit Stahlfüßen | Modell TERRA
Round dining table made of solid oak with steel feet | Model TERRA
691.000 Ft748.600 Ft
Runder Esszimmertisch aus Massiv Eiche mit Mikado Stahlfüßen |  Modell TALMA
Round dining table made of solid oak with Mikado steel feet | Model TALMA
699.300 Ft761.000 Ft
Eleganter Esszimmertisch aus Eiche mit Mikado-Stahlfüßen |  Modell MIKADO SLIM
Dining room table made of oak with Mikado steel feet | Model MIKADO SLIM
699.300 Ft937.800 Ft
Esszimmer Tisch mit X-förmigen Stahlfüßen und Eichenholzplatte | X-RAY
Dining room table with X-shaped steel feet and oak top | Model X-RAY
703.400 Ft1.110.600 Ft
Wohnzimmertisch aus Eichenholz mit Inox-Beinen | Modell SIGMA
Living room table made of oak with stainless steel legs | Model SIGMA
711.600 Ft1.094.100 Ft
Esszimmer Tisch mit Massiver Eichenholzplatte und Stahlfüßen | DETROIT KIKA
Dining room table with solid oak top and steel feet | Model DETROIT KIKA
723.900 Ft1.106.500 Ft
Ess- und Wohnzimmertisch aus Eichenholzplatte und Stahlbeine |  Modell BLOCK
Dining and living room table made of oak top and steel legs | Model BLOCK
723.900 Ft1.110.600 Ft


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Kitchen tables made of solid oak

Enjoy the quality and durability of solid oak in the heart of your home with our range of kitchen tables from Each table is handcrafted with attention to detail and finished using advanced techniques to ensure durability and style. From now on, you can get all solid oak kitchen tables in our online shop with free shipping.

Solid oak is known for its exceptional strength and durability. With their natural and authentic look, our solid oak kitchen tables add a touch of elegance and quality to any room. They are ideal for creating a welcoming and comfortable place to bring your family and friends together to enjoy a meal together.

At we strive to offer only the highest quality products and our solid oak kitchen tables are no exception. With timeless design and the highest quality, these tables are a long-term investment in the comfort and style of your home.

Browse our range of solid oak kitchen tables and discover the different design and size options available. Whether you prefer a classic or modern style, you're sure to find the perfect table for your kitchen. And with free shipping, buying a solid oak kitchen table is now even more affordable.

If you have any questions or need help choosing the ideal table for your kitchen, our team of experts will be happy to provide you with personalized recommendations and assistance in selecting the most suitable table.

Enjoy the quality and elegance of solid oak in your kitchen with free delivery for all kitchen tables in our online shop. Shop now at and transform your kitchen into a room full of style and functionality!